Cave and High-Mountain Trips

In between our regular, almost everyday activities, a few times a year we head off to "expeditions" abroad. Our destinations are not always caves, but mountains, high-mountains are to be found among them. Photos, descriptions, detailed trekking-guides and a few rigging instructions are to be found here.

Moravian Karst

(Czech Republic)
30 April - 3 May 1998.

Dead Bats Cave
16 - 18 October 1998.

Lakes of Plitvice
26 - 31 March 1999.

Skocján Cave
26 - 31 March 1999.

Postojnan Cave
26 - 31 March 1999.

Mont Blanc
11 - 19 September 1999.

15 - 22 August 1999.
13 - 19 August 2000.

Miroc Mountains
9 - 15 June 2000.
1 - 5 May 2002.

Retyezát Mountains
20 - 25 August 2000.

7 -18 August 2002.

7 - 18 September 2002.

Beljanica Mountains
1 - 4 May 2003.

2 February 2002

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